I’m excited to share the gender of our baby!!
I actually wanted to wait until birth (labor/delivery) to find out the gender but my husband was too eager and not willing to wait. So, we had to compromise! At first I wanted to put together a gender reveal party and find out with family and friends. As we explored further in the idea, we realized we preferred to find out in an intimate setting for our first child.
We went in for my ultrasound and asked the tech to put the revealing photo in an envelope. I was sure to hide it away from my husband because I knew he would peek behind my back. Later in the week I purchased a card board box along with fabric and used card stock I already had to pretty up the box. I gave the box and the card to my sister so she can take it to a party store so they can fill it with the appropriate balloons.
I wanted both videos and photos, unfortunately we couldn’t find two available people at the (same available) time we needed to record and the other the snap photos. What do you do when you can’t get both? A time lapse video. My sister was an awesome help willing to come over and snap the photos for us. I went back and forth with the idea of taking the images outside, at a park etc.. but in the end it made sense to do the reveal in baby Rema’s future nursery to make it more personal and intimate as we wanted.
So there you have it; here’s the video and we hope you enjoy watching as it was for me to put it together!!